Programming Language - Java
Process and Thread
Programming Language - Java
Inner Class
Algorithm & Data Structure - Topological Sort
Topological sort is a way to sort a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in the order based on all edge directions. For example, a graph below could be ordered in a way.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Minimum Spanning Tree
Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph has the following properties:
- It has V-1 edges, and all Vertices are connected;
- Add One edge could lead to a cycle in the tree;
- The total weight of the MST is less than any other tree of the graph;
Algorithm & Data Structure - Shortest Path
Shortest Path is a problem that people encounter almost every day. The basic problem statement is: Give a set of vertices and there distance or any measure (a graph), find the shortest path from one source to a target. There might be some variants, for example, to find the minimum cost along a path, but the basic principle and generate approach is the same.
System Design - Map Reduce System
MapReduce is a programming model for processing big data sets by parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. There are a few key words in the above description:
- Big data sets: that means it is not possible processed by a single machine/host;
- Parallel/distributed: that means a cluster of machine/hosts would process a set of data concurrently;
- Programming model: this is a model for process different types of data.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Tree
This is a series of problems related to find the lowest common ancestor of binary tree. If the tree node has a pointer to its parent, then it is relatively easy to find the lowest common ancestor. But a tree has only left and right pointers to its subtree.
Algorithm & Data Structure - XOR Operation
XOR Properties
XOR is a bitwise operation that has the following properties:
Algorithm & Data Structure - Extreme Value Problem - Type II
This type of problems require to find the maximum/minimum pair from a list or array of values with some conditions. It certainly could be solved by brutal force, but that is not an optimized solution. Swipe from both end of the list or array could help to speed up the process. The basic idea is to reuse the previous information to obtain the current minimum/maximum results. Similar to dynamic programing approach.
- At current location \(i\), previous extreme value upto \(i-1\) is already known;
- By adding \(ith\) element, how to update the extreme value?
Algorithm & Data Structure - Three Equal Parts
This is an interesting problem that could be solved more efficient than thought.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Extreme Value Problem - Type I
This type of problem is different from the simple extreme value problems in two folds:
- It need to be an extreme value;
- It need to to satisfy a few other conditions. Simply sorting the array could give you extreme value overall but without satisfying the second conditions. One approach is to sort the array by the second condition and then by the extreme value.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Sweep Line Algorithm
Sweep line algorithm could be used to solve a number of geometric and interval problem. It normally involves two dimensional sorting. The general idea is to sort one dimension first, and sweep through that dimension to put the other dimension to a binary tree. The basic algorithm is:
- Define Enterning and Leaving event respectively for each of the interval or geometry shape.
- Sort all event by one coordinate (x or y).
- Perform sweep, when an Entering event, put the shape (interval) to a binary tree to sort it.
- When a Leaving event, remove the shape from the binary tree.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Sorted Matrix Search
- LeetCode - 240
Algorithm & Data Structure - Word Break
- LeetCode - 139
Algorithm & Data Structure - Substring with Bit Mask
A number of substring problems could be solved by bit mask with conversion to similar as subarray sum problems. Basic subarray sum equals K could be soved by hashmap in O(n):
- Store number of prefix sum in hashmap.
- Get the number of current running sum - K.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Union Find
Union find is a data structure that is like the name defined. Every node in union Find has a root or parent node. It could store the root or father of a node in a array with two operations, union() and find().
- Union: join two nodes together if they are connected;
- Find: find the father or root of a node.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Subsequence Related
There are a series of interesting subsequence related problems that shares some common approach to solve them. This is a summary of them and shall be updated continuously.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Split array
Problem Statement
Split array into some subarray with conditions. Examples:
Algorithm & Data Structure - Refuel
Problem Statement
Algorithm & Data Structure - Minimum Number of Refuel Stops
Problem Statement
System Design - Message Queue
In a batch process world, e.g., MapReducer, the data is bounded (i.e., of a known and finite size), so the processor knows when it has finished reading its input, and generates output from there. In reality, a lot of cases, data is stream and we don’t know when the data finishes, e.g., user login or logout. If we want to process these data, we have to process them as a stream (unbounded and incremented over time). Message System is designed to process stream data. The basic model is similary to below picture.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Kadane's Algorithm
Problem Statement
Find the maximum subarray sum of a given array.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Sliding Window Maximum
Problem Statement
Give an array and a sliding window size that moves from left to right, find the maximum value in the sliding window.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Jump Game
comming soon
Algorithm & Data Structure - Stone Game
comming soon
System Design - Design Code Build and Deployment System
Functional requirements
- User send source code and deployment request to server;
- Server builds the source code to binary file;
- Server deploys the binary file to other desitinations gloably.
System Design - Design TinyURL
Functional requirements
- Client send a long URL, return a short URL to client;
- Client send a short URL, return a long URL if it exist and redirect to the long URL, else return error code;
- Client send a long URL, and a customized short URL, return short URL to client;
- Client send a long URL, and set expiration time of the tiny URL;
System Design - SQL and NoSQL
Structured schema. Data is stored in rows and columns. Each record has fixed schema. Columns must designed before data entry. Alternating data structure involves modifying whole database. Uses SQL query. True ACID transaction. Vertical salable. Reasons for SQL: Ensure ACID compliance, such as Bank data; Data is structured and unchanging.
System Design - Sharding
A technique to break up a big database into many smaller parts. Horizontal scaling means adding more machines, which is cheaper and more feasible. Vertical scaling means improves servers.
System Design - Cache
Cache is short term memory which has limited space but is faster. It is based on the principle that recently requested data is likely to be requested again. Cache could be added in almost every layer, but is often found nearest to the front end, e.g., browsers.
System Design - Load Balance
1. Distribute load to difference server. Could be in L4 and L7 layer, TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.
2. Check which server is available and redirect works. ### Algorithms:
1. Round Robin
2. Round Robin with weighted server
3. Least connections
4. Least Response Time
5. Source IP Hash
6. URL hash ### Benefit:
1. prevent request goes to unhealthy server
2. prevent overloading server
3. eliminate single point of failure
System Design - Replication
The goal of replication is to provide high available and reliable services by store the same copy of data in a few of servers. However, it is always a challenge to maintain consistency of the data.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Bit Manipulation
Comming soon
Algorithm & Data Structure - Minimum Distance
Comming soon
Algorithm & Data Structure - Quick select
Problem statement
Find the kth smallest/largest element in an array.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Boyer - Moore Majority Vote Algorithm
Problem statement
Given a series of data representing the candidates that is voted. Find the candidate with majority votes. Majority means more than 50%. The data could be stream data.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Palindromic substring
Palindromic substring is a hot topic in string handling problem. A series of problems are related to palindromic string or substring.
System Design - Item Recommender System Design
This post is about a simple item(job) recommendation system that I’ve learned and coded recently. I am trying to expand it a little and therefore record the system design based on the tiny project.
Authentication - Session and JWT
Session based authentication
Object Mapping - Jackson
Two popular libraries to map JSON data with Java objects.
Web Development - Make HTTP Request
This post keeps updating as my learing going on.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Range Sum and Segment Tree
Segment Tree is used for immutable range sum query and update.
Algorithm & Data Structure - Stock Buy and Sell
This is a series of six problems in stock buy and sell. All of them could be solved by dynamic programming.
Distributed System - MIT 6.824 Raft Lab 4B
Lab 4B
Algorithm & Data Structure - Next Permutation
Next permutation is a number arragement that generating a number only more than the current one. For example, for numbers 1, 2, 3, the combinations could be:
Algorithm & Data Structure - Monotonic Stack
Monotonic stack is a stack that maintain the element in the stack with increasing or decreasing property, i.e., when poping element from the stack, the elements are in sorted order. This property itself seems useless, but it can be used to solve some of the problems in LeetCode.
Distributed System - MIT 6.824 Raft Lab 4A
Lab 4A build up a Shard Master System based on Raft.
Distributed System - MIT 6.824 Raft Lab 3
Lab 3 build up a Key Value system based on Raft.
Distributed System - MIT 6.824 Raft Lab 2
Lab 4B
Lab 2A need to code the reliable election process that you will make sure the system electect a leader even with network failure. The basic logic follows Figure 2 from the paper.